How many words should my child say? From birth to 5 years of age.

This is a question many parents have as their child develops year to year. Children develop at their own rate. Some children may not have all the expressive language skills until the end of the age range.
Firstly, what is Expressive Language?
Expressive language is is spoken language. It is the ability to ask for objects, make choices, ask questions, answer, and describe events.
At 6 Months - What language should my child have?
From birth to around six months, children should be making cooing sounds and will babble. They also giggle and laugh. They also make speech-like babbling sounds such as ‘pa’ and ‘ba’.
At 1 year - What language should my child have?
From seven months to one years old, children make babbles of long strings of sound like ‘babababa’. Getting closer to the one year old mark, children should start to have their first words. These first words typically are; ‘dada’, ‘mama’, ‘dog’, ‘bye’.
At 2 years - What language should my child have?
From one to two years of age, children should start to use lots of new single words. By two years of age, they should be putting two words together such as ‘no bed’ ‘mommy book’ ‘more juice’. They also should be able to ask simple questions like ‘what’s that?’, and ‘where’s teddy?’.
At 3 years - What language should my child have?
From two to three years of age, children should have a word for almost everything. They should be using 2-3 words to talk about and ask for things. People who know your child such as extended family members and friends should be able to understand your child.
At 4 years - What language should my child have?
From three years old to four years old, children should be using 4 or more words together to make a sentence. They may make some simple grammar mistakes such as ‘I goed to grannys’. They will use pronouns such as I, you, me, we, they. Most people (including those outside the family) should understand what your child says.
At 5 years - What language should my child have?
Lastly, from four years of age to five years old, they should be using long sentences. They should be able to keep a conversation going. Everyone should be able to understand your child.
What should I do if I think my child is not reaching these milestones?
There are a number of things you can do to help your child but the quickest, easiest and most affordable way to get individualised support is by joining Gabadoo. You will be supported by a qualified, registered and experienced Speech and Language Therapist and they will give you routine based strategies that work into your daily life, that will help to develop your child's expressive language. Click here to create your account